Rights Squad

Here at Luton Infant and Nursery School we are proud to have achieved Unicef's Rights Respecting School Award Bronze level. Our steering group have decided to call themselves the Rights Squad and they are working towards making everyone in the school 'Rights Aware'. They help to monitor and evaluate how aware people are of the Children's Rights Articles and suggest ways that we can work towards being a Rights Respecting School. They do this in many different ways from organising charity events such as Soccer Aid and Pyjamarama Day to organising a compost bin for food waste to make sure that we are living and working in a clean and healthy environment. The Rights Squad also work to ensure everyone in school knows their rights and know that everyone is entitled to them.
Our current Rights Squad members are: Dylan, Verity, Juliette, Mia, Ivayla, Annie Rose, Mrs Wiseman, Mrs Gamet and Mrs Roe.
More Information
As a UNICEF Rights Committed School, we are committed to helping pupils:
- Learn about their Rights
- Learn through enjoying their Rights
- Learn for Rights, through helping others to enjoy their Rights
We also teach that:
- Rights are inherent – they are yours because you are human.
- Rights are indivisible – they are indivisible, meaning no right is more important than another one. They are a whole package and they are interlinked.
- Rights are inalienable – they are inalienable, meaning you cannot give them away or sell them, and no one can take them away from you.
- Rights are universal – they are universal which means the Convention is for all children, everywhere, all the time.
- Rights are unconditional – they are unconditional, meaning they are not a reward and are not dependant on a responsibility or performing an action. However; because rights are universal and for everyone equally, our actions should respect the rights of others.
If you would like more information about the Convention for the Rights of Children, please follow the link below to the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools website. A summary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is attached below.