Sports Premium
The government announced that it is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 - 2020 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school head teachers. The money must be used to improve the provision of P.E. and school sport.
Please click here to access the government website for information on PE and Sports Premium funding.
P.E. plays a very important part in the life of Luton Infant School. We believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the holistic development of our children and through participation, our children build and learn more about our key values such as respect, teamwork, co-operation and kindness for themselves and others.
The government has announced that it is to continue with this funding for the foreseeable future.
We are therefore delighted to be able to use the £16,000 sport premium funding to support the development of P.E. and school sport in 2017-18 in the following ways:
- Continue to work in close partnership with Greenacre Sports academy
- Provide quality assured professional development opportunities for teachers enabling quality teaching and learning for all children
- Provide EYFS team teaching sessions to ensure all children are receiving quality PE sessions
- Provide lunchtime energiser clubs and work alongside the midday meal supervisors to ensure children are active at lunchtimes
- Continue to offer a wide range and number of school activities to pupils across the school
- To develop mini sports crew training in Year 2 to help children with their leadership skills
- To increase competitive opportunities by entering competitions against other schools in Medway
- To have a healthy schools weeks to help children and their parents with having a healthier lifestyle
- Develop cross-curricular links with PE and maths to help children become more active whilst learning the curriculum and get children more active during their school day
Our overall aim is to continue to raise the profile and standards in P.E. and school sport, increasing the participation and opportunities offered to our children. We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all. (Insert picture of children being active at school)
Evidencing the Impact of the Sports Premium at Luton Infants
Factors to be assessed 2017-18:
- Continue to work in close partnership with Greenacre Sports academy
Funding: £500.00
Impact: Teachers and children to continue to develop links with Greenacre to support the development of PE across the school.
Sustainability: Teachers to have confidence to transfer their knowledge across the school and develop it.
Target groups: Reception and KS1
- Provide quality assured professional development opportunities for teachers enabling quality teaching and learning for all children
Sources of evidence: Contribute towards specialist support from Greenacre Academy
Funding: £2,400.00
Impact: Children have opportunities to engage in different sports and competitions taught by professional sports coaches. Teachers are able to work alongside specialist teachers to enhance and develop their teaching of PE.
Sustainability: Teachers will become more confident in the teaching of PE and transfer their skills across the year.
Target groups: Years 1 and 2
- Provide EYFS team teaching sessions to ensure all children are receiving quality PE sessions
Sources of evidence: Contribute towards specialist support from Greenacre Academy.
Funding: £600.00
Impact: Children have opportunities to engage in different sports and competitions taught by professional sports coaches. Teachers are able to work alongside specialist teachers to enhance and develop their teaching of PE.
Target groups: Reception.
- Provide lunchtime energiser clubs and work alongside the midday meal supervisors to ensure children are active at lunchtimes
Sources of evidence: Greenacre Sports Academy
Funding: £900
Impact: To encourage children to be more active during lunchtimes.
Sustainability: Midday meal supervisors being trained to deliver more active and competitive opportunities for children at lunchtimes.
Target groups: Whole school.
- Continue to offer a wide range and number of school activities to pupils across the school.
Sources of evidence: Greenacre Academy
Funding: £900 ( plus TA supports to cover the clubs) Impact: To engage children in a variety of after-schools clubs to help with their confidence in different sports activities and get them ready for school copetitions.
Sustainability: Children to be more active during the day and to develop their competitive skills.
Target groups: Years 1 and 2.
- To develop mini sports crew training in Year 2 to help children with their leadership skills.
Sources of evidence: Greenacre Sports Academy
Funding: £200.
Impact: Children becoming more cofnident in their leadership skills.
Sustainability: Children to become more independent and engage more with each other.
Target groups: Year 2
- To increase competitive opportunities by entering competitions against other schools in Medway’
Sources of evidence: Greenacre Sports Academy.
Funding: Use of Greenacre Partnership minibus to transport children.
Impact: Establish competitive skills amongst children
Sustainability: Success at the competitions.
Target groups: Years 1 and 2.
- To have a healthy schools weeks to help children and their parents with having a healthier lifestyle
Sources of evidence: A-Life (Provider for Healthy Schools Workshops)
Funding: £549
Impact: Children to learn more about leading healthier and more active lifestyles. Sustainability: Children more aware of their lifestyles and what they can do to become healthier and more active. Target groups: Whole School
- Develop cross-curricular links with PE and maths to help children become more active whilst learning the curriculum and get children more active during their school day.
Sources of evidence: Maths of the Day (
Funding: £595
Impact: Maths lessons to be taught through a more active style of learning. Sustainability: Children to have a better attitude towards maths and attainment levels to be raised in Maths. Target groups: Reception, Year 1 and 2.