At Luton Infant and Nursery School we want every pupil to develop a love of mathematics. We believe that all children can do Maths and aim to foster a enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. We take a mastery approach using White Rose; where children are encouraged to develop basic skills (fluency), explain their approaches and thinking (reasoning) and solve practical problems (problem solving). At Luton Infant and Nursery School we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum programmes of study for Mathematics to ensure that all children develop a clear understanding of Number, Geometry and Measurement.
Further information can be found here:
Pupils are encouraged to think in depth about numbers using a range of resources from an early age. We understand that having a solid conceptual understanding of number supports children in all other areas of Maths. Pupils are encouraged to reason with numbers and explain their thinking. We use strategies from the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach alongside White Rose maths to ensure that through talk there is exploration of the thinking processes involved in being a mathematician.
Every Maths lesson features a ‘CLIC’ session. These are fast paced and focus on four key core skills These core skills help children develop the ability to manipulate and understand numbers.
Counting: Children will count forwards, backwards, in steps of different amount, and in multiples as well as reading and writing numbers.
Learn-Its: A ‘Learn It’ is a number fact that is learnt so well that it can be recalled instantly (no thinking time).
It’s Nothing New: It is in this part of CLIC that children will understand that the facts they have learnt enable them to do so much more. For example: if a child knows double 4, they can use that to calculate double 40 with confidence.
Calculations: This aspect of CLIC is when the teacher will work on developing the progress and understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
We place a large emphasis on teaching mental calculation methods and creating opportunities for children to actively engage with the concepts being taught. Formal written recording is practiced regularly and is an important part of learning and understanding. Luton Infant and Nursery School has developed a consistent approach to the teaching of written calculations. The calculation policy sets out a clear progression throughout the school and exemplifies expectations.
We learn to recognise and describe shapes all around us. We think about 2D and 3D shapes and use words such as side, corner, face, edges to talk about the shapes.

We measure capacity, length/height and mass/weight in non-standard and standard form. We practise reading scales and use money to work out amounts and give change. We learn to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks.