Aims, Values and Mission
We are a Rights Respecting School (Bronze Award) and the children’s rights, as written in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, form the core values of our school. Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment. Article 29 (goals of education). Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Article 28 (right to education). Our Aims, Values and Mission have been written with this in mind.
Mission Statement:
• We believe that children have the right to a warm, welcoming, inspirational environment that everyone shares the responsibility for creating. Our mission is to provide a stimulating learning environment in which everyone feels valued and respected. Through challenge and support our children will develop their skills and talents achieving high standards to become happy, confident and successful individuals.
• We aim for our children be safe and to equip them with the necessary skills to keep themselves safe and have a high feeling of self worth. It is our responsibility to recognise individual needs and nurture each other, believing that we can aspire to meet our dreams.
• Everyone in our school community has the right to have equal opportunities to develop as individuals through our inclusive curriculum and all children have a voice in decision making in school. We recognise the importance of helping to make and accept rules, understanding the difference between right and wrong and developing the skills necessary to work as a team and get on with others’ around them. We promote respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.
• We have a responsibility to provide a creative curriculum which is accessible to all and challenges each individual. All our children have the right to learn new skills that will enable them to become well balanced members of society, equipping them with necessary life-skills for their future success.
All members of the school community have the responsibility to continually promote and celebrate our aims.
Written in consultation with stakeholders in May 2016
At Luton Infant and Nursery School we are committed to the education of the whole child. We believe that in order to achieve this, values should underpin everything we do.
We believe that by entwining our values into our teaching and learning, children will have a solid foundation on which to base their learning and will develop a strong sense of community and belonging to the 'Luton family'.
11 core values have been selected and are discussed during weekly 'Values Assemblies'. They are also referred to throughout the day, underpinning prompts for learning and behaviour.
Our core values at Luton Infant and Nursery school underpin everything that we do.
These are: