At Luton Primary School, we recognise that although reading everyday and knowing timestables is important, the research shows that sending extraneous amounts of homework home to primary aged children can have limited impact on academic success. With this in mind, we have decided to focus on just a few areas of learning that will help the children in their learning.
As the children begin to learn letter sounds in Reception, they will be sent home with a phonic reader that is matched to their sound recognition. We expect children to read every day and ask parents to sign the contact book everyday. We also encourage parents to read a bedtime story every night. The more words a child know when starting school, the higher their academic success so why not snuggle down and enjoy stories together. Gaining as many experiences outside of school can also help academic attainment so why not talk a walk through the woods or visit the park?
KS1 and 2
The children are expected to read everyday and we ask that parents sign the children's contact book to say that this has been completed. This will be checked by an adult in school. From Year 2 (depending on book level), the children are encouraged to log into their Accelerated Reader account where they can answer quizzes on the books they read and gain rewards for reading. Please find link below:
Spelling shed
Each child has an account and should log on at least once a week to practise spellings that have been set by their teacher.
Teacher Stories
Teachers will upload a story once every 2 weeks onto Seesaw (Years 2-6) or Class Dojo (Nursery-Year 1). We invite the children to respond to the stories they hear by commenting about what they liked/disliked about the story, any puzzles they may have and the characters in the story.
From Year 2, the children are expected to practise their timestables on their Timestable Rock Stars account at least once a week. Please find the link below:
Optional Project
Once a short term, teachers will set an optional project for the children to complete on Seesaw or Class Dojo. Work can be handed in online or to the teacher.