Luton Primary School Governing Body
Who are we?
The Governing Body is a group of volunteers who come from all walks of life and backgrounds, and who are selected to represent the parents, staff and local community. Our primary concerns are the education, well-being and happiness of the children and staff.
There are no committees; the Governors meet as a Full Governing Body at least 6 times per year, however specific tasks may be carried out by smaller working parties. Most of us are also regular visitors to the school. From time to time we also invite associate members who bring specific knowledge or skill.
What do we do?
We work closely with the Headteacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. We play an important role in improving standards and managing finance.
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
- To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that money is well spent
- To contribute to the school’s self-evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses
- To support and strengthen the school leadership, holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to account for improving the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
The day-to-day running and management of the school is the role of the Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team. Through monitoring the different aspects of the school’s work, we aim to support and challenge the Senior Leadership Team on how effectively the school is working to improve the learning and outcomes for all children.
How can we be contacted?
Governors can be contacted by letter or email through the school office. If you have any queries, do ask.
Governors cannot deal with issues concerning individual children or matters that are a matter of routine or part of the day to day running of the schools. These should be raised through the normal channels e.g. the class teacher or Headteacher as set out in the Complaints Policy.
Luton Primary Governing Body September 2024
Governor |
First appointed |
Term start |
Term end |
Responsibility |
Liza Thompson |
Chair |
Leadership and Management |
Luke Geary |
Vice-Chair |
Personal Development and PPG | ||
Elizabeth Gamet | Head of School | Health and Safety | |||
Joanne Nixon |
Staff |
25 May 2022 |
25 May 2022 |
24 May 2026 |
Stephen Perez | Co-opted | Safeguarding | |||
Sabrina Owatemi |
Parent | SEN | |||
Simon Mclean |
Co-opted | Quality of Education |