Headteacher's Welcome
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Luton Primary School. Since we amalgamated two years ago I have seen the school grow and develop and I am really proud of the team we have today, which includes every child, staff member. governor and parent. The whole team reflects our core values, showing the Luton Spirit, of respect, curiosity, perseverance, kindness, teamwork and aspiration.
I believe we are now seen as a key part of the Luton community and as we move forward I intend to develop this further. I aim to give all our children opportunities and experiences that will support them in their future lives and enable them to be the best they can be. We have high expectations for all our pupils and will do all we can to remove any barriers that may stop them from reaching their full potential.
From my experience of being a Headteacher for more than 15 years, I know that a successful and happy school depends on all of us working together. As we move forward from the restraints of the pandemic we will find more opportunities for you to come into school and be involved in school life. We have coffee mornings on the first Tuesday of every month and this is an excellent time to come in and find out more about the school and meet other local partners.
Be part of the Luton Learning Journey and be part of something exciting.