Loss and Bereavement
We understand that bereavement is faced by members of our school community at different times. Children need to be supported when they experience family bereavements and other significant losses in the course of their lives while they are at school. We have a Bereavement Policy which aims to support individuals when they experience a bereavement.
If your child does experience a bereavement, please let us know so that we can provide support and guidance both for yourself and your child.
Here are some links to websites that you may find useful when talking to your child about a bereavement. They have links to useful resources that you may find helpful when talking to your child such as how to make a memory box.
Winston's Wish - giving hope to grieving children
Children and bereavement - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Below are some of the suggested stories that you could share with your child. Further suggestions can be found on the Child Bereavement UK website.
Child Bereavement UK also have a phone number which you can contact for support and advice - 0800 02 888 40