Luton Primary School Curriculum Statement
“A Bridge to Learning, Perseverance and Success”
Our curriculum is built on the belief that ‘Learning is a Journey’. When you walk through the doors of Luton Primary School, you will see and hear our shared language being used. Leaders, teachers, parents and children all understand that learning is a journey, not a linear process. We all hit bumpy roads, need some time to refuel and rely on our friends to help us get back on track! The assertion ‘Learning is a Journey, not a Destination’ forms the basis of how we support all groups of learners in this school. We recognise that each and every child is an individual with a different starting point. The adults in Luton Primary School are here to support children to make steady progress and accelerate in their learning. When parents have their parent consultations, they will hear about their child’s journey at Luton Primary School. Information about where each child embarked from, where they had some intervention ‘Mind the Gap’ sessions with their teacher and where they accelerated and reached their destination with their learning will be shared with parents. We encourage all children to have a growth mind-set when talking about their learning and want them to understand that learning can and should be challenging!
Our ambitious curriculum not only provides the best possible provision in the skills of reading, writing and maths ensuring that every child is equipped with the foundations to excel in their learning but also develops their essential life skills so that they have the opportunities to become healthy, successful and resilient members of society. Our curriculum is underpinned by our core values and by teaching the children about their rights so that they have the confidence to have a proactive voice in society, understand equity and become inclusive citizens and to value diversity. The content of our curriculum focuses on the key knowledge and themes of the national curriculum whilst embedding the key skills needed for study of each subject area or discipline. For example: in history the national curriculum themes and knowledge are taught and covered but so are the skills needed to be an historian. Our curriculum ensures that the skills are used as a pathway to knowledge.
By the end of Key Stage 2 we intend Our Luton Primary children to:
- Acquire good subject specific knowledge, cultural capital and skills as set out in the National Curriculum so that children maximise their potential enabling them to be successful and develop a lifelong love of learning.
- Open their eyes to a wide range of opportunities that unveil the potential they have and recognises their individual talents, successes and interests.
- Be respectful of each other, have inclusive attitudes and be good citizens within the school and local, British and global communities in a diverse, modern world.
- Be healthy and resilient with good physical and mental wellbeing, managing their feelings and emotions appropriately.
- Be able to communicate effectively and confidently in a range of different situations, using a wide and varied vocabulary and to know that they have the right to have their voice heard.
- Develop their critical thinking skills so that they become independent learners that persevere and can self-evaluate their learning.
All of these intentions are underpinned by our core values.
- We follow the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2 and the EYFS curriculum. We ensure it is progressive and builds on skills and knowledge over time, including embedding key English and maths skills across the curriculum. Our ambitious curriculum exposes our children to cultural experiences and background knowledge and will include wider opportunities including memorable experiences, such as visits and visitors, extra-curricular clubs and excursions and by taking part in local events, competitions and projects which our pupils may not otherwise have. Adaptive teaching and learning strategies ensure appropriate support and challenge for all pupils. Pupils not meeting ARE are swiftly identified and their individual needs are met with high quality, evidence-based interventions by highly trained staff. Pupil conferencing enables pupils to both give and receive feedback on their learning and involves them in setting their next steps. Children’s lifelong love of learning is developed by making the curriculum as engaging as possible with the use of hooks to instigate enquiry. A range of resources and programmes are used to inspire learning e.g. Accelerated Reader, Beanstalk etc. We are an outward looking school that collaborates with others to ensure we remain reflective and current in our practice.
- We use a portion of our pupil premium grant to purchase a wide range of specialist teaching that includes, music, drama, dance etc. We have purchased a school minibus and we take children to competitions and other experiences that they might not have participated in otherwise. We utilise our specialist sports coach to ensure the children are offered a wide range of sporting activities.
- We promote British values and citizenship through our PSHE curriculum (Medway Syllabus). Our RE curriculum ensures awareness and respect for a range of faiths and we hold regular themed weeks to celebrate other cultures, promote anti-bullying and awareness of disability. Regular whole school, key stage and class assemblies promote spiritual awareness, highlight British and school values, demonstrate how to stay safe and celebrate achievement. Through the teaching of children’s rights, pupils are given an awareness of the similarities and differences within local and global communities and their pupil voice is given a forum. Transitions are carefully planned for and teaching staff work closely at key points of the year.
- We offer both practical and therapeutic curriculum elements to promote healthy lifestyles and support mental wellbeing. Through our focus on rights, children are taught that they are entitled to a healthy lifestyle, including access to a healthy diet, a clean-living environment and have the best care for them. Our PE curriculum and opportunities for daily exercise such as the ‘daily mile’ ensure that children value physical health and enjoy being active. Emotional wellbeing is supported by a range of therapies including play therapy, mindfulness activities and Emotional First Aid, supporting children who experience anxiety and teaching them strategies to manage their own needs as they grow. Staff are aware that challenging behaviour may be a child’s way of expressing anxiety and would work with that child to identify and restore their emotional well-being.
- Our curriculum has a focus on teaching children to persevere and be resilient and open to challenge in order to be the best they can be. We ensure they know how to keep themselves safe including when online. We provide opportunities for children to consider future career paths and recognise achievements in all subjects both in and out of school.
- Our curriculum develops speech, language and communication skills through a focus on vocabulary and through the Talk 4 Writing process, beginning in EYFS. Through using metacognitive strategies and our own ‘Learning Journey’ language, children are taught to talk about their own learning and become self-evaluative about their work e.g. the Maths Mastery programme is language rich and encourages children to speak in full sentences and explain their thinking from an early age. We identify children with Speech and language needs early on and offer specialist support from our dedicated speech and language therapist. Children are taught that they have the right to be listened to by adults and their views taken seriously. Their confidence in talking to an audience is encouraged through paired talk in the classroom, contributing to school council and taking part in performances and assemblies.
- We strive to ensure that our children’s attainment across the curriculum is at least in line with national expectations and that all children are making at least expected progress with some making accelerated progress from varied starting points. Our inclusive curriculum ensures all children have opportunities to meet their potential.
- Our children will have accessed a wide range of activities and knowledge that will equip them with cultural knowledge to propel them in their education, careers and social development and will enable them to be aspirational about their futures and well prepared for adulthood. Our ambitious curriculum will inspire our children at Luton Primary to be lifelong learners.
- Children’s talents and interests have been recognised and nurtured ensuring they are well prepared for the next stage in their learning.
- The Luton school community will be based on mutual respect between all stakeholders and children will be inclusive within our diverse community, disregarding race, gender or disability. Equity for all learners will be recognised and respected. Children will feel safe whilst at school and will know who they can talk to if they have any concerns. There is a zero tolerance with regard to bullying and any cases will be swiftly dealt with.
- Transitions at key points throughout the year will be smooth and children will be well prepared for the next stage in their learning.
- Wellbeing will be high across the Luton Primary community and children will be able to explain how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Behaviour for learning will be excellent across the school and children will be able to self-regulate feelings and emotions and will know who to go to if they are struggling.
- Children will enjoy being challenged in their learning and will be happy to persevere until they are successful.
- Children will feel confident to use their voice to be explicit about their learning and be able to self-evaluate and self-correct. They will be able to communicate clearly and effectively to a range of audiences and recognise that their voice can make changes at a local and global level.
If you would like further information about our curriculum, please contact Mrs Gamet or Mrs Andrews via the school office.