Luton Primary's School Wellbeing Squad
We look after the wellbeing of all the children across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
We would like to tell the children of Luton Primary about our suggestion box for wellbeing. This is a box you can put your comments in to say how you feel about the school's wellbeing and perhaps a little suggestion about anything you would like us to do.
Location: Year 6 corridor opposite Mrs Gamet's room.
Wellbeing Information
Please see information below on how we support wellbeing at school and ways wellbeing can be supported at home.
Six Principles of Nurture
We are pleased to confirm we are working towards a Wellbeing Award and the Nurturing Schools Award. This award focuses on changing the long-term culture of the whole school. Using an evidence-based framework to drive change. This award will ensure that mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of our school life.

Pets as Therapy
As a way to develop confidence and engagement with reading, Luton Primary are fortunate to have a reading dog, Clara, who comes in on a Wednesday to work with our KS1 readers.
Play and Creative Arts Therapy Service
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