Wellbeing Information
Luton Primary's School Wellbeing Squad
We look after the wellbeing of all the children across the school from Nursery to Year 6.
We would like to tell the children of Luton Primary about our suggestion box for wellbeing. This is a box you can put your comments in to say how you feel about the school's wellbeing and perhaps a little suggestion about anything you would like us to do.
Location: Year 4 corridor opposite Mrs Gamet's room.
Six Principles of Nurture
We are pleased to confirm we are working towards a Wellbeing Award and the Nurturing Schools Award. This award focuses on changing the long-term culture of the whole school. Using an evidence-based framework to drive change. This award will ensure that mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of our school life.
Luton Primary School's Change Team
We are the Change Team. Our job is to make Luton Primary School a happy and safe place for pupils, parents and staff. We meet every week on a Wednesday to discuss how we can really foster the ‘Luton Spirit’ and develop our core values. We have created an action plan which is accessible to all and reviewed on a regular basis. We support our children’s wellbeing by giving them taster sessions of different workshops to teach them positive ways of dealing with their mental health. For example, over the last few months, we have focussed on yoga and dance as healthy ways to support wellbeing and mental health. We support staff wellbeing by providing training days, workshops and access to external agencies to assist with dealing with mental health. Parents are supported by a dedicated home school support team, as well as parental workshops.