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Online Safety

What do parents/carers need to know?

Internet and Mobile Phone Safety

Mobile phones, tablets, and computers are part of everyday life for many children and young people. When used correctly electronic devices are an exciting source of communication, fun and education. But when used incorrectly, or in the wrong hands they can be threatening and dangerous.

What are the key risks?

All types of technology excite and engage children and young people and they should be encourgaed to use them safely. It is important that children learn how to manage the risks that technology will present throughout their lives. Younger children are much easier to supervise and it is up to you to decide when your child should begin to use these technologies.

Risks include:

  • Cyber-bullying - where hurtful texts or emails are sent to children
  • Children accidentally or deliberately accessing violent or sexually explicit websites, either on a computer or a mobile device
  • Paedophiles talking to children by mobile phone or online and enticing them to engage in sexual conversations, photograph sharing, video sharing or actual meetings

If you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online, you can report your concerns to CEOP's Child Protection Advisors.

How can you manage the risks?

Check out the #WakeUpWednesday tab for advice on a range of online safety issues and lool out for the weekly update on Class Dojo.

For further information and advice visit the websites below by clicking on the text:

Internet Matters

Internet Watch Foundation

Stop It Now!

Our Safety Centre