Admission Arrangements for Luton Primary School
For all enquiries relating to admissions, please contact Mrs Webb on 01634 336900 - Option 4.
Parents of Reception Children for September 2025
You can apply for your child to start school in year R (reception) if they were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021. Please note Primary school application opens at 9am on Monday 2nd September 2024 and closes at 5pm on Wednesday 15 January 2025.
To apply for a primary school place you will need to:
- apply through Medway Council if you live in Medway
- apply through your own local authority if you live outside of Medway
- use the child’s main address
- complete an application for each child if you’re applying for more than one such as twins. Twins will not count as a sibling link for a place.
Applications for places for Reception 2025 need to be made to School Admissions at Medway Council online, please use the following helpful link:
Applications for children with an EHC plan or statement of special educational needs
If your child has an education, health and care (EHC) plan or statement of special educational needs, you do not apply through this mainstream process.
Admission of summer born children
Deferring or delaying your child's start date
Children reach compulsory school age when they turn five and must be in school no later than the term after their fifth birthday.
If you'd like to defer or delay your child's start date, there are two options open to you.
Deferred start date in the same academic year
All school offers are made for the start of the academic year in September.
If you want your child to start school later in the academic year, you need to apply for a school place at the normal time and speak to the school about your child starting later once an offer is made.
You can only defer the start date within the same academic year. Once agreed, the school will hold the place your child has been offered.
If you do not want your child to start school until the next academic year, you can request a delayed start date, please see below.
Delay start date to the next academic year (summer born children)
If your child is born between the 1 April and 31 August, they’re classed as summer born and you can request a delayed start to school. This means you want them to start year R (reception) a year after other children their age.
To be considered for a delayed start, you need to follow the Medway Council protocol for the admission of summer born children:-
If your request is not granted and you still do not want your child to start until the following year, you'll need to apply as an in-year admission at that time but for a year 1 place.
This means your child will start school a year later, but will have missed year R (reception).
Apply to move school / In-Year (casual) Admission
You can apply to move school part way through the school year. This is called an in-year or casual admission and can be for a:
- child who needs a place at a Medway school or academy
- child who is being educated at home and now needs a Medway school place
- child who currently goes to a Medway school or academy and wants to move to a different school or academy in Medway
In-year (casual) admissions are used for entry to any year group between reception and year 6 (for a primary schools) during the school year and outside of the normal transfer process for reception.
If you would like to apply for a school place, please contact the school office.
Over-subscription Criteria
If the school is not oversubscribed, all applicants will be offered a place.
In the event that the school receives more applications than the number of places it has available, places will be given to those children who meet any of the criteria set out below, in order, until all places are filled.
1. Highest priority will be given to looked-after children and all previously looked-after children who apply for a place at the school.
2. Priority will next be given to children with siblings at the school. Siblings include step siblings, foster siblings, adopted siblings and other children living permanently at the same address. Priority will not be given to children with siblings who are former pupils of the school.
3. Priority will next be given to children on the basis of social or medical need. The school defines social and medical need as children whose mental or physical impairment means that they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend a particular school. The school requires supporting evidence, for example from a medical specialist or social worker, if you are making an application on the basis of social or medical need.
4. Priority will next be given to children of staff at the school, in either of the following circumstances: a) The member of staff has been employed at the school for 2 or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or
b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage
5. Priority will next be given to children who reside closest to the school. Distances are measured using the shortest available short walking route between the home and the school. Full details of how distances are measured can be found in the Medway Admissions booklet.
Nursery Education
We are pleased to confirm at Luton Primary School, we do offer early education and care for children from 3 years old. We currently offer 15 hours of childcare a week, term time only. The hours are currently split into 3 hour sessions either, AM (8:30am to 11:30) or PM (12:30pm to 3:30pm), Monday to Friday.
If you would like further information or to apply for a nursery place, please contact Miss Webb in the school office on 01634 336900.