Luton Primary School Uniform
For reasons of safety, children are only permitted to wear stud earrings and no other jewellery (unless for religious reasons) in school.
If you would like to use a bow in your child's hair, please can you ensure it is a small bow and for long hair, please ensure it is tied back.
To purchase school uniform, please visit 'my clothing' using the following link:-
Alternatively, you are able to purchase our school uniform from Print More in Luton Village who will also hold a supply of our PE t-shirts. Prices are as follows:
Cardigan with Logo - £10
Sweatshirt with Logo - £10
Polo Shirts with Logo - £8
Bookbags - £7
House / PE T-Shirt - £5
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office on 01634 336900.
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear uniform which consists of:
- Purple sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the school logo
- Sky blue polo shirt
- Grey trousers / shorts
- Grey skirt / pinafore
- Black sensible shoes or plain black trainers
- For summer, lilac gingham dress
- Grey tights
- Black, grey or white socks
- For Children in EYFS and KS1, we would ask a book bag is purchased as these will fit in the trays
- For Children in KS2, small rucksacks may be used

P.E. Kits
For PE or Games, children are expected to wear the following:
- A T-shirt in the child's house colours (Red, Blue, Yellow or Green)
- Black or Grey shorts
- Plimsolls for indoor PE
- Plimsolls or Trainers for outdoor PE
- Drawstring PE bag
- Tracksuits can be worn in the winter for outdoor PE (these should not be plain black or grey without branding)
School Uniform Policy
Please see our School Uniform Policy for more information: