Luton Primary School Uniform
For reasons of safety, children are asked not to wear jewellery (unless for religious reasons) in school.
If you would like to use a bow in your child's hair, please can you ensure it is a small bow and for long hair, please ensure it is tied back.
To purchase school uniform, please visit 'my clothing' using the following link:-
Alternatively, you are able to purchase our school uniform from Print More in Luton Village who will also hold a supply of our PE t-shirts. Prices are as follows:
Cardigan with Logo - £10
Sweatshirt with Logo - £10
Polo Shirts with Logo - £8
Bookbags - £7
House / PE T-Shirt - £5
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office on 01634 336900.
School Uniform
All children are expected to wear uniform which consists of:
- Purple sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
- Sky blue polo shirt
- Grey trousers / shorts
- Grey skirt / pinafore
- Black sensible shoes or plain black trainers
- For summer, lilac gingham dress
- Grey tights
- Black, grey or white socks
- For Children in EYFS and KS1, we would ask a book bag is purchased as these will fit in the trays
- For Children in KS2, rucksacks may be used

P.E. Kits
For PE or Games, children are expected to wear the following:
- A T-shirt in the child's house colours (Red, Blue, Yellow or Green)
- Black or Navy shorts
- Plimsolls for indoor PE
- Plimsolls or Trainers for outdoor PE
- Drawstring PE bag
- Tracksuits can be worn in the winter for outdoor PE (these should not be plain black or navy without branding)